Become A Member!

The Benefits Of Membership

By becoming a member at Taps & Tails, you get all sorts of perks and benefits:

  • Unlimited visits to the Dog Park & Bar (saving you $12 every visit)

  • 1 free Daycare visit (a $39 value)

  • A FREE Birthday Party venue (a $49 value)

  • Discounts on our dog washing station

  • Extra awards and discounts through our loyalty program

Memberships are $45 per month and renew online automatically. OR, save and purchase an annual membership for just $349!

Log in to our system to purchase a Membership today!

Doggy Daycare Cleveland
Dog Bar
Doggy Daycare Cleveland

Hang out with your pup!

We used to go to a local dog park - but now that we can come hang out and have a beer in good and bad weather, we’ll never go back to a traditional dog park again!

-Bob & Lisa, Lakewood

Dog bar cleveland

Please note: You and your dog must be registered in our system to bring him or her to the Dog Park & Bar. Once you’re registered, you just need to check-in with us on site, let your dog play with some friends, grab a drink …and enjoy!